As we are all very aware, COVID 19 is still currently in our surroundings and my priority is keeping me and my clients safe!
Therefore, I have put some procedures in place guided by the government to do so… I will be providing my own sanitising spray for when I will be in contact with your surfaces with my equipment. I will ask you to sanitise regularly and ALWAYS wear a mask during your hair service. I will be wearing a mask and visor at all times during the service. Social distancing will be maintained at all times where possible. COVID 19 forms will be provided for you to date and sign along with a hair colouring disclaimer if you reject having a colour test beforehand. I would also like to request that you fully sanitise after I have left, for your own protection. Any questions do not hesitate to ask before your appointment with myself. I am here to make you feel comfortable and at ease with the service I provide.
Now the serious stuff is out the way! I cannot wait to see/meet you all.
All my love